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A Permanent Solution: Understanding the Long-Term Benefits of Dental Implants

by | Jul 17, 2023 | Dental Implants

understanding the long-term benefits of dental implants

Tired of self-consciousness about missing teeth and avoiding smiling or laughing in public?

Dental implants offer a permanent, natural-looking solution for missing teeth, improving oral health and quality of life.

They offer numerous benefits, making them the go-to solution for tooth loss.

Prepare to smile with confidence again!

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are titanium fixtures placed in the jaw to replicate missing tooth roots.

They anchor artificial teeth and have a roughened surface for osseointegration within three to four months.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Dental implants are an artificial root for the new tooth by being surgically inserted into the jawbone.

The jawbone integrates with the implant over time, forming a strong foundation. An abutment is connected to the top of the implant, linking it to the replacement tooth.

The abutment is then fitted with a custom-made crown or bridge. Dental implants, which integrate with the normal bone structure and offer strong support for new teeth, provide a permanent treatment for missing teeth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

#1. Stability

Dental implants are a relatively stable tooth replacement alternative. By fusing to the jawbone, a dental implant offers the best stability.

To prevent it from falling out or becoming loose, the bone fuses with the metal post and holds it in place.

Your replacement tooth or teeth will remain in place with this stability, giving you peace of mind.

#2. Maintain the Health of Surrounding Teeth

When a bridge is installed, the surrounding healthy teeth must be filed down. However, an implant is not harmful to the health of neighbouring teeth.

#3. Long-Lasting

Dental implants offer long-term treatment for missing teeth, unlike dentures, bridgework, or other comparable restorations.

The teeth and the implant can last a lifetime if they are well-maintained. Bridges and dentures, however, require replacement every 7 to 15 years.

#4. Comfort

Dental implants provide greater comfort than other types of prosthetic teeth. A dental implant’s tailored fit helps it feel as natural as possible.

The jawbone’s strength and flexibility are both improved with an implant.

Compared to alternative tooth replacement methods, dental implants are more comfortable for many people who have lost their teeth.

#5. Peace of Mind

Dental implants offer confidence and security in your smile, ensuring it looks its best and lasts a lifetime.

They help you live life with a beautiful, lasting smile. These long-term benefits significantly improve your dental health, allowing you to live with a beautiful, confident smile.

Dental Implant Care

Effective oral hygiene routines can significantly increase the lifespan of the dental implant.

Using a soft toothbrush to brush the implant and other teeth at least twice a day is crucial. Additionally, brushing the crown from top to bottom is essential.

Patients can eliminate food particles from behind the implant by flossing at least once daily using nylon-coated interdental floss.

The implants and mouth can remain healthy with routine dental visits.

Restoring Your Smile in Applecross

Why choose a short-term fix for tooth loss when dental implants offer long-term benefits to your health and general well-being?

At Epsom Dental Care Applecross, we aim to deliver quality dental implants that help improve not only the appearance and function of your smile but also boost your self-confidence.

Visit your Applecross dentist today!

Call us at (08) 9316 0555 or book your appointment online.

We are located at 729 Canning Hwy in Applecross.

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