Child Dental Benefits Schedule
Child Dental Benefits Schedule Applecross

Treatment under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule cover
The CDBS provides benefits for dental services, such as:
Which children are eligible for dental services?
A child is eligible if they are:
- eligible for Medicare, and
- aged 0-17 years at any point in the calendar year, and
- receive a relevant Australian government payment, such as Family Tax Benefit Part A, at any point in the calendar year.
Services Australia assesses a child’s eligibility from the start of each calendar year and routinely check for newly eligible children.
A notification of eligibility will be sent to the child or their parent/guardian either by post or electronically through MyGov.
It is optional for a parent/guardian or patient to present this notification to the practice at the time of the appointment.
Child Dental Benefits Schedule in Applecross
The Child Dental Benefits Schedule supports services, including dental examinations, X-rays, professional scaling and cleaning, fissure sealants, composite fillings, root canal treatment, and tooth extractions.
Epsom Dental Care Applecross accepts CDBS – contact us today if you have more questions or arrange your child’s next dental appointment with your Applecross dentist.
Child Dental Benefits Schedule in Applecross
Bulk Bill for eligible children
Up to $1,095 worth of dental treatments over two years
For questions and concerns about the Child Dental Benefits Schedule, simply contact us online or call (08) 9316 0555.
We are located at 729 Canning Hwy in Applecross WA.

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if my child is qualified for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule?
You don’t need to apply for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. If your child is qualified, Medicare will send you a letter.
To know if your child is eligible for CDBS, access your Medicare online account at
How do I use the $1,095 benefit?
Take advantage of the $1,095 benefit to pay for your child’s basic dental services in two years.
If the benefits are not fully used up in the first year, you can still use them in the next year only if your child is still in the program.
After the second year, any balance will not be rolled over.
Do I have to pay out-of-pocket expenses?
As long as your fund balance can cover the fees for your child’s appointment, you don’t need to pay any out-of-pocket expenses.
Your claim will be bulk-billed through Medicare, so no patient co-payment is needed.