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Top 6 Proven Methods for Preventing Oral Cancer

by | Aug 19, 2022 | Oral Cancer

A variety of variables influence oral cancer. The good news is that you can dramatically reduce your risk for some cancers by adopting healthy practices, as many cancers are avoidable.

Your age and your family history are two unavoidable oral cancer risk factors. However, there are several things you may do right now to defend yourself.

These 6 tips will help you safeguard against this potentially fatal infection.

#1. Maintain good oral hygiene

Oral cancer is commonly caused by irregular tooth brushing and infrequent dentist visits.

Simple modifications to your dental care, such as brushing and flossing after each meal, can dramatically your chance of developing oral cancer while also preventing gum disease, cavities, damaged teeth, and fillings.

#2. Avoid using tobacco

Tobacco use is one of the significant risk factors for these cancers. The greatest method to reduce your risk of developing these cancers is to stop smoking or using tobacco products.

Even after several years of use, quitting tobacco reduces your risk of acquiring certain cancers significantly. As a result, it is critical to refrain from smoking.

#3. Limit your alcohol consumption

Cancers of the mouth, throat, breast, liver, and colon are all linked to alcohol use. Drinking should only be done occasionally, if at all.

#4. Consume a nutritious diet

Changing your diet is among the most crucial things you can do to keep healthy, and some foods can affect your chance of developing cancer.

Dentists advise a healthy diet that has a focus on plant foods. Limit your consumption of processed meats and consume at least 2½ cups of fruits and veggies daily.

If you consume meat, stick to fish, fowl, or lean beef cuts.

#5. Examine your mouth and lips regularly for any irregularities

An oral check-up is essential, just as how women should routinely check their breasts.

Just take a moment once a month to examine the inside of your mouth; most pharmacies sell those tiny mouth mirrors that can be used for this.

The sides and back of your tongue should be examined. Visit your dentist to have it checked out if you notice or feel any suspicious lumps, bumps, sensitive spots, or white, red, or grey patches.

#6. Visit your dentist regularly

Regular dental check-ups enable your dentist to identify possible problems and address them before they materialise, which not only helps you retain your lovely smile.

The next time you visit the dentist, request that a check for oral cancer be done.

Make these lifestyle decisions to take control of your health. Remember that the best opportunity for successful disease identification, diagnosis, and treatment is with early intervention.

Symptoms of Oral Cancer

Dentists often look for the following when evaluating the mouth for oral cancer symptoms:

  • Trouble eating or swallowing
  • Unknown sores, inflammation, or thickening in your mouth or throat
  • Tooth decay
  • Improperly fitted dentures
  • Lumps, growth, or thickening of the mouth lining
  • Tongue ache
  • Tension or pain in the jaw
  • Bleeding wounds
  • Non-healing wounds

Sometimes it’s difficult to tell whether a lesion or sore is malignant. If your dentist notices anything out of the ordinary, they may recommend a biopsy to look for cancer cells.

Oral Health Care at Applecross

It’s best to visit your dentist frequently to check for potential issues because anyone can develop mouth cancer.

You should still get examined to detect any possible problems while they are more manageably treated, even if you are aware of ways to prevent oral cancer.

Remember that good oral hygiene and proper dental care are only two aspects of oral health.

Epsom Dental Care Applecross is dedicated to staying on top of the latest diagnostic tools and treatments.

Giving our patients healthy smiles they can be proud of is our main priority. We want to achieve that goal as efficiently as possible for our patients.

Call us at (08) 9316 0555 or contact us online.

Visit us at 729 Canning Hwy in Applecross.

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